Merchant Accounts

CityPay are a fully accredited ISO (Independent Sales Organization) offering merchant accounts for all card present, MOTO transactions and full e-commerce integrations. We are licensed to both provide and facilitate merchant services with very competitive rate structures.

eCommerce Accounts

CityPay offers secure and resilient cloud based payment services. Our gateway is integrated with major UK and European Acquirers; built to process the transaction needs of an online world, using machine learning to increase conversion and decrease fraud.

Recurring Payments

Increasing revenues and supporting new business models through the use of subscription-based payments. Recurring payments help your business meet PCI compliances, automate subscription payments and reduce administration for recurring billing payments. 

MOTO Virtual Terminal

CityPay’s Virtual Terminal allows call centre and internal back-office users to connect to a secure web hosted payment terminal, replacing the need for shared physical standalone terminals. Transactions are authorised and validated in real time. Talk to us about our bespoke integrations!

Chip / Pin /Contactless

Customer and Card present transactions using market leading, secure and trusted payment terminal providers.

CityPay has accreditation with several acquiring banks, find out more using the button below.